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Emotional Healing - The 6 Inner Divas Unmasked Essential Oil to Use

The telltale sign of emotional health is openness to life and adaptability.Fear of life can be felt as a physical sensation of resistance or tension in the body. Overtime fear, felt as tension within your body, results in chronic physical pain, as well as other physical symptoms and even disease. Resistance also manifests as chronic feeling states, emotions and thoughts such as anxiety, worry, depression, frustration and anger. Remember cartoonist Charles Schultz's lovable Pig Pen character. We loved Pig Pen BECAUSE he always happily walked around in his own private dust storm. Pig Pen was completely at ease with his “stuff” and always carried himself with dignity.  Well, like Pig Pen, most of us walk around with auric fields just...

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Your “False” Emotional Nature - 6 Roles the ‘Inner’ Drama Queen/King Plays Essential Oils to Use

Your emotions control the  quality of your life experience.Want to feel peaceful, happy and successful ALL the time?  This article will show you ‘why’ you aren't (if not) and what you can do about it, or how to immediately improve the quality of your emotions and life experience. Research has shown that most of our ‘emotional’ experiences are based on "false" perceptions. In other words you experience life according to the ‘meaning’ you give to life events, not what is actually happening. In other words the personal meaning you give to any life experience is what gives you the emotional experience of peace, happiness and success. Your ‘False’ Emotional Nature How you respond to events in life is a reflection of...

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