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Capricorn New Moon Astrology

What’s It All About? The Capricorn New Moon brings in the 2025 New Year. It’s time to set your New Year’s goals and intentions for the coming year. Hopefully, you took time at the recent Gemini Full Moon to clear away any stagnant energy in preparation for the 2025 New Year. Especially, since 2008 the established structures of society on a global level have been undergoing profound change as humanity continues to gear up to shift to a galactic identity as human beings. The Capricorn New Moon, ruled by Saturn, will help you create the firm foundations needed for long term success far into the future. Capricorn New Moon Pay attention to the tonal quality of your 2025 New Year...

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Gemini Full Moon Astrology

Gemini Full Moon December 15, 2024 What’s It All About? The luscious Gemini Full Moon brings you a time to celebrate the fulfillment and completion of something related to Mercury (the messenger) and 3rd house matters (local community, means of connecting and communicating). Perhaps, if you’re a writer you’ll be celebrating the publication of a new book, or if you’re a teacher the launch of a new course. Communications and making connections of all kinds are highlighted. This is a great moon for reviewing the 2024 year to clear away any stagnant energy in preparation for the new year. It’s a great time for socializing in your local community. Making new friends is supported and encouraged. Get out and mingle....

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Sagittarius New Moon Astrology

Sagittarius New Moon December 1, 2024 What’s It All About? Expect big and bold fresh new starts for all things related to Sagittarius and its 9th house placement on the zodiac wheel. An awesome new beginning is set to take place in the area of your life where Sagittarius is located in your astrology chart, as well as your 9th house. Are you considering going back to school, or planning a global adventure to some foreign destination? Or, are you finding that your philosophy about life is getting fresh new insights? Are you beginning to see and think differently about things? Solstice Christmas Tide We celebrate the upcoming Solstice and Christmas tide with a Sagittarius New Moon set to initiate...

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Taurus Full Moon Astrology

Taurus Full Moon November 15, 2024 What’s it all about? A Full Moon always brings illumination and realization especially in the area of your chart where the Full Moon is occurring, as well as the opposite sign where the Sun is transiting. The polarity of opposites brought into focus initiate release and healing. A full Moon represents a culmination point. The restaurant, travel and leisure industries can get a welcomed boost of energy and a fresh new start at this time, or some restaurant and leisure industries could be closing their doors. There may be significant endings that must come before new beginnings can take place. The basic issue now is to find your own self-respect. Self-respect ensures that you...

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Scorpio New Moon Astrology

Scorpio New Moon November 1, 2024 What’s it all about? The Scorpio New Moon activates new beginnings. In the deepest regions of your psyche. The deepest stirrings of new growth within yourself are being activated at this time. Much can be released just before the new moon when it is at its darkest phase of the cycle. Much can come to the surface for release at this time. Dark forces at work beneath the surface may be exposed. The Scorpio New Moon is primarily about healing and regeneration. Much must be purged for you (and humanity) to move forward. Saturn in Pisces signals a coming to terms with the need for change that is constructive (not destructive). There is a...

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