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Epigenetics & Your Health - Essential Oils to Bring Balance & Healing +EO Recipe

The new science of epigenetics is throwing a spotlight on the role environment plays in health and disease. What is Epigenetics?Epigenetics is the study of changes in genetic expression that do not involve changes to your DNA. The genes that you carry in your personal genome are always present, but not all of them are expressed. Think of how two parents with brown eyes can have a child with green eyes. For this to happen, one or both parents had to have genes for green eyes, but those genes were never expressed. Instead, the brown genes were and that caused their eyes to take on that color. In passing on their DNA to their child, they could have given them...

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3 Essential Oils to Keep You & Your Home Safe +EO Recipe

“Health begins at home.” – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Environment plays a key role in the creation and maintenance of health. Changes in the environment, such as the quality of the air you breathe, significantly impact the quality of your health, for good or bad. Of course with the present worldwide threat of COVID-19 your respiratory system especially needs care and attention to stay strong and healthy. Practicing a system of ongoing cleansing of your space, at home and work, can help your immune system stay resilient and more able to resist infectious disease. With just a few simple steps you can boost your immune system’s ability to fight off infections The development and expansion of sanitation...

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Mercury Retrograde Dates 2021 +Essential Oils to Use & EO Recipe

Mercury retrograde usually happens 3-4 times a year. Mercury represents your conscious, everyday, thinking mind. Just as Mercury ‘appears’ to start going backward in the sky, your conscious, everyday thinking mind, can also take an about face and shift backward, as well. When a planet Stations Retrograde the planet is said to be asleep. You enter the dreamtime when your intuition becomes heightened.When Mercury is Retrograde much information can come to awareness. Clarity for implementing changes may only come after Mercury Stations Direct. Secret to Mercury Retrograde The secret, if there is one, is to stay in your heart and trust life to take you where you need to be at any given moment. To the rational programmed and conditioned mind...

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Healing Meditation with Archangel Gabriel +EO Recipe

Angels are ‘light’ beings, simply meaning they are aligned with the creative power of the universe to create peace and harmony in our world. Gabriel's name means, "God is my strength." An angel of mercy and compassion, Archangel Gabriel is the messenger angel. S/he guides you to experience empathy for yourself and others. Gabriel is the angel that oversees and protects parents and children, and assists with pregnancy and birth. The Gospel of Luke recounts the stories of the Annunciation (announcement of an incarnation), in which the angel Gabriel appears to Zechariah foretelling the birth John the Baptist and the Virgin Mary, foretelling the birth of Jesus. Gabriel helps all those whose life calling involves communications and networking. Gabriel is the patron angel and protector of writers, counselors, therapists,...

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Healing Meditation with Archangel Raphael +EO Recipe

Angels are ‘light’ beings, simply meaning they are aligned with the creative power of the universe to create peace and harmony in our world. Raphael’s name means, “God Heals.” Archangel Raphael oversees all of the Creator’s Healing Angels. As a healing angel, Raphael, can help with an assortment of maladies, especially those related to the physical body.  Raphael has a reputation for helping with issues related to overcoming and healing away addictions. Defender of the East and the Element of Air, Raphael protects and assists all those in the healing professions. Raphael is the patron angel and protector of all those in the medical and healing fields. Archangel Raphael’s 5 Key Healing Oils Generally essential oils that have a distinctive, robust and lasting...

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