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Are You an Enabler? Overcoming a Rescuer Behavior Pattern +EOs to Use

Do any of the people you're in a relationship with continually confuse and baffle you, or continually drain you of energy? Do you ever feel no matter what you do, or give to someone, it is never enough? Do you feel you have to continually prove your love, or loyalty to someone? Co-dependent relationships where you're playing the rescuer are those characterized by a kind of dysfunctional helping behavior. Playing out the role of the ‘white lady’ rescuer, or savior complex, can become quite self destructive if allowed to go unchecked. These types of behavioral relationships are those in which one person supports, enables, or otherwise makes excuses for another person's addictive behavior, immaturity, irresponsibility, under achievement, or poor mental...

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Transformation of Values Taurus Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

This Taurus Full Moon Lunar Eclipse marks the first of two Eclipses taking place on November 19th (Partial Lunar Eclipse) and on December 3rd (Total Solar Eclipse). Eclipses always usher in a new transformational cycle. Now we also have the first eclipse in a new sign. The past 18 months has seen eclipses occurring on the axis between Gemini (North Node) and Sagittarius (South Node). Gemini represents networking, social media, gossip, hearsay, information and/or misinformation). While Sagittarius represents the quest for knowledge, higher education and philosophy. The North Node is where we are needing to develop and grow. While the South Node represents patterns we’ve outgrown and need to let go. The Nodal Cycle around the 12 signs of the...

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Acceptance Ending the Ego’s Power Games +EO Recipe 

At the fifth-stage of birthing the soul and death/dissolution of the ego mind there is surrender and acceptance of the truth about the dual nature of the mind. You can accept that you are capable of being both an angel or a devil, or a mix of both. Depending upon which aspects of the mind you feed with your feelings. Remember it is primarily the negative emotions like fear, anger, depression, envy and jealousy that fuel the ego mind. It is your awareness and acceptance of your light and dark elements that frees you to become whole and integrated as a unified being. At the acceptance stage you end the ego’s power games that always act to subvert you from...

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Rapid Evolutionary Change Scorpio New Moon Astrology +Meditation & EO Recipe

New Moons always bring fresh new starts. This Scorpio New Moon is occurring on the Lunar Samhain (sow-win), our ancient ancestors celebrated this day as the start of a New Year. Additionally, this Scorpio New Moon is especially set for BIG new revelations, along with cumulative forward momentum spurred on by the Direct motion of three outer planets, plus Mercury Retrograde Stationing Direct.  The social sphere is abuzz with intense discussions and debate over how and what to move forward. At both personal and collective levels the pressure mounts for far reaching change to be implemented. Now at the Scorpio New Moon the planets that moved Direct in October will pick up speed resulting FINALLY in the forward movement we've...

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Healing Depression - Free Ho'oponopono Forgiveness Meditation (Limited Time)

Depression is the fourth stage of dissolving the ego and birthing the soul. At this stage your ego’s mental defenses are really beginning to break down. The ego mind operates primarily in the shadow. You are completely unaware of operating from a conditioned mindset. The mind’s impersonation of the soul, or Self, goes undetected by most of us until we reach a high enough level of awareness. In fact, we just can’t even begin to discern the difference between truth and falsehood until we are operating at high levels of integrity with ourselves which requires courage. It takes a great deal of courage to face the truth about ourselves when we are primarily operating as an ego mind. As you...

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