Essential Oils Blog — why you feel guilty RSS

Are You an Enabler? Overcoming a Rescuer Behavior Pattern +EOs to Use

Do any of the people you're in a relationship with continually confuse and baffle you, or continually drain you of energy? Do you ever feel no matter what you do, or give to someone, it is never enough? Do you feel you have to continually prove your love, or loyalty to someone? Co-dependent relationships where you're playing the rescuer are those characterized by a kind of dysfunctional helping behavior. Playing out the role of the ‘white lady’ rescuer, or savior complex, can become quite self destructive if allowed to go unchecked. These types of behavioral relationships are those in which one person supports, enables, or otherwise makes excuses for another person's addictive behavior, immaturity, irresponsibility, under achievement, or poor mental...

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