Essential Oils Blog — symptoms imbalanced earth elemet RSS

How Is Your Power of Discernment & Ability to Stand Up For Yourself & Create Stability? Do You Have Any Symptoms of Imbalanced Earth Element?

To Celebrate the release of PurePlant Essentials Five Elements Essential Oils Kit *New Optimized* Custom Formulas I'm publishing a series of blogs for you about how to use essential oils to balance the five elements and restore the flow of chi in your organs meridian energy channels. This includes your Conception Vessel (Brain), Governing Vessel (Nervous System) and the 12 Organ Meridians. Your meridians are the channels through which your emotions flow. The natural and free flow of life force energy (your e-motions - energy in motion) coursing through your meridians ensures your health and longevity. While blocked or suppressed emotions result in clogged meridian channels and imbalances of health. In classic Oriental or Chinese Medicine all disease is seen...

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