Essential Oils Blog — Essential Oil to use at Aquarius Full Moon RSS

Illumination Liberation Aquarius Super Full Moon Astrology +Angel EO Meditation

Aquarius Super Full Moon August 1, 2023 What’s It All About? A Full Moon always brings illumination and realization especially in the area of your chart where the Full Moon is occurring, as well as the opposite sign where the Sun is transiting. The polarity of opposites is brought into focus for release and healing. A full Moon represents a culmination point. A super full moon occurs when the moon's orbit is closest (perigee) to the Earth at the same time that it is full. Relationship Patterns The axis of the Aquarius Full Moon (which rules the 11th house) and Leo Sun (which rules the 5th house) represents your self-identity and self-image and the others with whom you have relationships...

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