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Cold & Flu Season Boost Your Respiratory System

Research shows the essential oils in the respiratory support recipe contain anti-bacterial, antihistamine, anti-allergic, anti-spasmodic and bronchio-dilating properties, among others, which make it useful for relieving respiratory conditions and associated symptoms of swelling and itchingEssential Oils to Use:To 5 ml (100 drops) euro-dropper bottle add:MyrrhFrankincense Lemon Eucalyptus globulus and radiata Lavender Oregano ThymeRosemary How to Use One of the very best ways to use your respiratory support formula is as a respiratory steam, in bowl of steaming water. Add 3-4 drops to a large ceramic bowl. You may want to pre-heat your bowl so the waters stay warm longer. Cover your head with a towel to capture the steam. Be sure to close your eyes so the essential oil vapors...

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