Essential Oils Blog — Aries Full Moon astrology 2022 RSS

Healing Your Relationships Aries Full Moon Astrology, Meditation & EO Recipe

What’s it all about? The Aries Full Moon (ruled by Aries) is conjunct Chiron (the wounded healer), opposite Venus (the planet of love) in Libra, and sextile to the planet Saturn (the taskmaster) in Aquarius. With Pluto (the planet of regeneration and healing) stationing direct, the scene is set for possible fireworks that expose wounds that have been dormant coming to the surface for healing. This can be an intense emotional time. Though the opportunities for reward are great. There’s the promise of short term discomfort leading to possible long term gains of happiness. Fall Eclipse Season We have entered the fall eclipse season. You can feel the effects of an eclipse usually at least 6-weeks prior to its happening. During...

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