Gemini New Moon Astrology

Gemini New Moon
June 6, 2024

What’s It All About?

Mercury (the ruler of the Gemini New Moon) has just entered its own sign of Gemini and conjunct Jupiter (also newly stationed in Gemini until June 2025). The pairing of Mercury and Jupiter expands your mental circuitry and activates your mind for renewal at the Gemini new moon.

Mercury’s natural placement in the zodiac is the 3rd house which represents your conscious everyday thinking mind, or the lower mind. Mercury also rules how you perceive reality, your thought patterns, attitudes and judgments.

How you get on in relationships in general, and with your neighbors and siblings, is represented in this house. Your style of communication and what you like to talk about is also represented by the 3rd house.

Saturn which recently Stationed Retrograde in Pisces signals a lot of review and discussion getting underway. All the re-words apply here, such as renegotiating and reviewing the rules and structures of society.

Jupiter (in Gemini) is now square by element to Saturn in Pisces, so there’s a real buildup of pressure for reform of society that is more compassionate as dictated by Saturn’s station in Pisces until mid-February 2026.

There can be a welcomed return of what may have seemed like a missed opportunity when Saturn is retrograde. It’s time for a do over to the structures supporting material life, so that we can live together in a more balanced and harmonious way that is equitable and just.

The Square indicates the necessity for change. It may not be as easy as during last year’s sextile (by element) to Jupiter, but absolutely necessary. The energies can feel very strained and tension can build to a fevered pitch in order to force the change.

Gemini New Moon

The Gemini New Moon can certainly play into seeding new ventures set to be launched in communications and networking, as well as changes worldwide.

The Gemini New Moon brings fresh new starts for everyone in the areas of communications and networking. Usually the local neighborhood and regional area where you live are most effected by Gemini, ruler of the 3rd house. Your relationship with siblings can also be on your radar at this time. Going hyper local with a digital influence like apps to order take out, or buy tickets to attend a local venue can take on an even broader appeal.

This is a great time for socializing in your local community. Making new friends is supported and encouraged. Get out and mingle.

The Gemini New Moon indicates a fun time to be had with lots of mixing it up of the established order that supports change.

Mercury is the lower octave of Uranus and both planets exert a strong electromagnetic pull that influences the ocean tides, as well as satellite systems, computers, cars, trains, planes, buses, and telecommunications networks and equipment, local and global weather patterns.

What’s Up in Your Chart?
Tips for How the Gemini New Moon Can Affect You Personally.

Everyone has the Gemini New Moon influence in one, or more areas of their chart. Here are a few areas of your chart where you can experience the Gemini New Moon influence:

  • Where is the sign of Gemini located in your astrology chart? This is the house where you will experience the most affect from the Gemini New Moon.
  • What personal planets are located in your 3rd house? Do you have any easy flowing, or hard aspects to this house from one or more of your natal planets, or by transit?
  • What house is your Mercury located in your astrology chart? Is there a harmonious, or stressful contact between your Mercury and your 3rd house?

Your emotions can feel quite unsettled during this time. The moon moves quickly through each sign and house, so whatever happens though it may leave a lasting impact upon your psyche the emotions will be transient. Best to let your emotions settle before taking action that may have long standing results.

Check out Meaning of the 12 Houses of the Zodiac to find out more about how the Gemini New Moon may influence you personally.

Gemini New Moon Astrology

  • 16° 17’ Gemini New Moon
    Thursday, June 6, 4:37a
    m PT

Moon (Gemini) Conjunct Sun Conjunct Venus Square Saturn (Pisces)
Mercury (Taurus) Conjunct Jupiter

You may be gung-ho to implement some brilliant new idea(s). If you’re willing to work hard, persevere and put in the hard work, the Gemini New Moon has all the markings of bringing long term success in the material world to whatever you start.

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For greater insight about this particular Gemini New Moon, the Gemini Personality Traits, along with essential oils to use, angel therapy healing meditations, crystals & gemstones to use, eclipse seasons, super moons, planetary retrogrades, greater understanding about the meaning of each of the astrological aspects occurring and much more check out KG's 2024 Astrological Moon Calendar. 

This is the last year that KG'S Astrological Moon Calendar will be published. The calendar is a rich resource for astrological information that will be useful for years to come, as well as reveals a plethora of helpful insights about the current events unfolding on the world stage.

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†These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All statements on this website are intended for informational purposes only.

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