Sagittarius New Moon
December 12, 2023
What’s It All About?
Expect big and bold fresh new starts for all things related to Sagittarius and its 9th house placement on the zodiac wheel. An awesome new beginning is set to place in the area of your life where Sagittarius is located in your astrology chart, as well as your 9th house.
Are you considering going back to school, or planning a global adventure to some foreign destination? Or, are you finding that your philosophy about life is getting fresh new insights? Are you beginning to think differently about things?
Sagittarius Personality
Jupiter (often associated with Santa Claus) is the ruler of the zodiac sign of Sagittarius. Jupiter is the biggest and most expansive planet in our solar system.
Sagittarians are lovers of humanity!
As one of the mutable signs of the zodiac and ruler of the 9th house, Sagittarians are adaptable and can easily adjust to circumstances more readily than most other zodiac signs. This is a real plus for them. They know how to get along.
Sagittarians love adventure and relish in making new discoveries. They love higher learning, publishing, and philosophizing about life. Communication and exploration are also strong themes for Sagittarius. Known for their emotional intelligence, Sagittarius natives easily connect with others from all strata of society and make friends easily.
The Sagittarius New Moon ushers in new promise and hope for the future of our earth and humanity.
Solstice Christmas Tide
We celebrate the upcoming Solstice and Christmas tide with a Sagittarius New Moon set to initiate new beginnings in matters in your life where Sagittarius is located in your natal astrology chart, as well as your 9th house (Sagittarius is the natural ruler of the 9th house).
Social gatherings and connecting with friends in light hearted social settings are highlighted now. It’s a great time to travel anywhere in the world, or perhaps set a date for some international travel in the 2024 new year. Sagittarius focus is primarily on expanding your world view. Diversity and inclusion are matters dear to the Sagittarius heart.
What’s Up in Your Chart?
Tips for How the Sagittarius New Moon Can Affect You Personally.
Everyone has the Sagittarius New Moon influence in one, or more areas of their chart. Here are a few areas of your chart where you can experience the Sagittarius New Moon influence:
- What house is Sagittarius located in your natal astrology chart? This is where new beginnings, new ventures, new ideologies and all things Sagittarian can be newly born.
- Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius whose natural placement in the zodiac is the 9th house which represents higher education, foreign travel, beliefs, religion, ideology, the higher mind.
- Jupiter is the old ruler of Pisces (modern ruler Neptune which governs the 12th house of the unconscious mind). By all indications what transpires now has far reaching ramifications on very deep psychic levels. Our attitudes from the past are being expanded and potentially new world views seeded on a global level. How much will past ideologies, beliefs and attitudes influence you and society at large in the future?
- What personal planets are located in your 9th and 12th houses? Do you have any easy flowing, or harsh aspects to one, or both of these houses from one or more of your personal planets?
- What house is your natal Jupiter located in your natal astrology chart? Is there a harmonious, or stressful contact between your Jupiter and your 9th (or 12th) house?
- As Jupiter is transiting the sign of Taurus ruled by Venus, all themes related to Venus (love, pleasure, material comfort), along with the usual Jupiterian themes, will be greatly energized.
The moon moves quickly through each sign and house, so whatever happens, though it may leave a lasting impact upon your psyche, the emotions will be transient.
Sagittarius New Moon Astrology
20° 39’ Sagittarius New Moon
Tuesday, December 12, 3:32pm PT
Moon Conjunct Mars
Moon Square Neptune
Mercury Sextile Venus
Sun Inconjunct Uranus Rx
Mercury Stationary Retrograde
The Sagittarius Moon can bring a tremendous need to search for greater understanding. Your feeling of emotional safety can get a boost when you start a new program that promises to give your life more inherent meaning.
Optimism abounds with a Sagittarius Moon, but this one especially as it is conjunct Mars the planet of energy and action. Today, also Mercury’s Station Retrograde can bring the return of an opportunity for something you love, or find pleasure in. The eclipses have cleared your way and now you can plant seeds for welcomed new beginnings that omen prosperous outcomes. Make the most of this time.
Healing Gemstones & Crystals for Sagittarius
Turquoise - the main stone of Sagittarius is turquoise and is especially recommended for use at this time. A healer of spirit, turquoise has tremendous spiritual influence and helps bring peace of mind. It provides soothing energy to Sagittarius’ active mind. The Turquoise gemstone can help deepen your intuition, protect and guide you during the times of great transition we are in and when faced with the unknown. Turquoise supports your expression of independent action while also keeping you safe.
Freedom Oils
Generally, the best essential oils for freeing you from the grip of past patterns of perception are the regulating oils with a fresh smelling scent. These oils can help cleanse your body, mind, emotions and free your spirit to dream the life you were born to live.
Be the Change You Wish to See in the World
Using freedom oils can help you to regenerate and heal imbalanced elements within yourself and in our world. The freedom oils support you to step up and make necessary changes and return to balance with your own nature and with life. These oils will energize your spirit and help you to shift from a controlling and dominating mentality and attitude. Freedom oils can help you to step up to do your own ‘inner work’ to recognize how you may be contributing to the problems we are facing worldwide.
These oils will support your connection to spirit and help you maintain balance of mind and mood during these turbulent times of revolutionary changes.
All of the oils are adaptogenic ‘super’ oils, meaning they will have a balancing and regulating effect on your mind, mood and emotions. You can use them alone, or in a blend, as you prefer.
1) Cypress (Cupressus sempevirens) - Aromas: Fresh, sweet, spicy, piney, woody and balsamic
2) Frankincense (Boswellia carterii & B. frereana) - Aromas: Warm, sweet, fresh, balsamic, exotic and sensual. The carterii variety has more of a spicy top note.
3) Rose Geranium (Pelargonium roseum) - Aromas: Sweet, fresh, rosy, floral, herbaceous, exotic and sensual
4) Helichrysum (Helichryum italicum) - Aromas: Intensely sweet, warm, balsamic, radiant, fresh, herbaceous, honey-like
5) Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) - Aromas: Fresh, sweet, floral and herbaceous
6) Lemon (Citrus limon) - Aromas: Fresh, sweet, lemony, citrus and fruity
7) Palmarosa (Cymbopogon martinii) - Aromas: Floral, rosy, herbaceous, warm and sweet
8) Peppermint (Mentha x piperita) - Aromas: Fresh, minty and sweet
9) Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis ct verbenon) - Aromas: Clean, fresh woody and herbal scent with tenacious dry out notes.
Sagittarius New Moon Meditation
Archangel to Assist You - Selaphiel (seh-lah-fee-uhl) which means “prayers to God,” or “prayers of God.”
At this time, if you choose, you can invite Archangel Selaphiel to assist you with your meditation. Angels are ‘light’ beings, simply meaning they are aligned with the creative power of the universe to create peace and harmony in our world.
The patron saint of prayer, Selaphiel instantaneously delivers your prayers and messages for protection and assistance to the heavenly realms. Prayer is the hallmark attribute of the Archangel Selaphiel. It is Selaphiel who is especially given the task of carrying prayers to heaven.
If you are suffering from distractions, inattentiveness, or coldness and indifference to life, call upon Selaphiel. S/he can help you fulfill your responsibilities and overcome apathetic attitudes.
Some texts attribute Selaphiel with ruling over music in heaven. Incense is often associated with attracting Selaphiel’s attention to intercede on your behalf and carry your prayers of petition to heaven.
Considered among one of the highest ranking of the Seraphim class of angels, Selaphiel is credited with acting as a protector for Archangel Metatron, the patron of children whose job is to oversee their unity, education and truth.
Archangel Selaphiel is associated with a fiery silver light that, like a rocket booster, instantaneously delivers your prayers and messages for peace, protection and assistance to the heavenly realms.
Petition your heart and mind with the following affirmations:
You can choose one, or more, affirmations to focus upon at this time. Take time between each appeal to drink in and absorb the response by your heart and mind to fulfill your request. Allow yourself the time needed to fully engage in and experience the results of this meditation.
You can also make up your own personalized petitions that feel most suitable for you at this time.
- Thank you for helping me to purify my body, mind and emotions of past programs that prevent me from seeing the unity of all life.
- Thank you for helping me express my needs appropriately and get the help I need to evolve and grow.
Allow the alignment of your heart and mind to bring harmony to your life. Allow the renewal of your heart, mind and purpose in this moment. Let go of any resistance to being fully present in this moment. Just allow yourself to remain peaceful and calm.
Take as long as needed to complete this meditation. Repeat as needed whenever you’re needing help with self-expression and communicating effectively to get your needs met and to recover from perceived loss.
ON SALE 2024 Astrological Moon Calendar eBook $15.00 (Our Lowest Price at 40% OFF)! Paperback Book $24.99 (50% Off)!For greater insight about this particular Sagittarius New Moon, along with essential oil recipes, healing meditations, crystals & gemstones to use, eclipse seasons, super moons, planetary retrogrades, meaning of astrological aspects and much more check out my 2023 Astrological Moon Calendar HERE.
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