2023 Astrological Moon Calendar +Essential Oils to Use

Bookmark this page and refer to it throughout your 2023 year!

The 2023 Astrological Moon Calendar crib notes will give you a snapshot overview of the emotional ebb and flow of events for 2023. You can use it to get an advance look at any possible upcoming opportunities available for you, as well as to check in as events unfold on the worldwide scene during the year.

For insight about how things will unfold for you personally pay especial attention to:

Eclipse Moons

Eclipse Dates 2023

  • April 20 (1:17am PT): Hybrid Solar Eclipse in Aries at 29° 52’
  • May 5 (2:24pm PT): Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio at 14° 52’
  • October 14 (3pm PT): Annular Solar Eclipse in Libra at 21° 10’
  • October 28 (4:13am PT): Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus at 5° 3’


Supermoon Dates 2023

  • August 1 (11:32am PT) in Aquarius at 9° 15’ (Lunar Lamas)
  • August 30 (6:32pm PT) in Pisces at 7° 24’

New and Full Moons

If any of the New, or Full Moons are happening in aspect to one of your personal planets, or points, you will experience more effect from the celestial event.

Generally, new moons are inception points for initiating new beginning and fresh starts. While full moons indicate periods of fulfillment and release of what no longer works, or has reached completion.

Void of Course (vc) means the Moon is not making any exact aspects to other celestial bodies after it reaches its New, or Full Moon phase.

Eclipse Moons
Partial Solar April 30
Total Lunar May 15/-16
Partial Solar Oct 25
Total Lunar Nov 7-8

June 14
July 13

New and Full Moons

If any of these Moons are happening in aspect to one of your personal planets you will experience more effect from the celestial event.

Generally, new moons are inception points for initiating new beginning and fresh starts. While full moons indicate periods of fulfillment and release of what no longer works, or has reached completion.

Void of Course (vc) means the Moon is not making any exact aspects to other celestial bodies after it reaches its New, or Full Moon phase.

Planetary Aspects

There are lots of places where you can get a free download of your astrology chart these days. The best sites offer access to a wide assortment of data about your birth chart, as well as transits and progressions.

Once you understand the symbolism represented by the luminaries, planets and points in your chart, you can allow your own intuition to interpret what celestial events mean for you personally.

Conjunctions and Oppositions to your personal planets usually are the most impactful. Aspects which are in direct conversation with your Sun and Moon (known as luminaries) are usually the most important prognosticators for significant influence and change.


An opposition is a 180° aspect between two celestial bodies on the zodiac wheel.

An Opposition brings illumination about the planet and/or the area of your life (house) where it’s located. If you can stay on the high side of the vibration the results from an opposition can be very growth producing and bring welcomed opportunities.

However, if resisted much struggle and suffering can ensue. Look for the opportunities in events, rather than play the victim of external forces operating. Keeping a positive attitude can help you to make needed changes that result in improved circumstances for your future.


A conjunction is a joining of celestial bodies on the zodiac wheel. A conjunction can range from exact to within a 7° orb. The closer/tighter the conjunction the more effect the conjunction can have.

A Conjunction represents birth and new beginnings. Conjunctions are usually more pleasant than oppositions in their effect. The notable exception to this might be a Lunar Eclipse Conjunct your Sun, Moon, or other personal planet, or point (like your Midheaven or Ascendant).

Lunar Eclipses often bring things to a head with dramatic events at the dark of the moon followed by an opportunity for a new beginning/fresh start in the area of your life where they occur.

Again, staying open-hearted with a positive mindset of gratitude helps you stay attractive to any potential opportunities.


A tine is a 120° aspect between celestial bodies on the zodiac wheel.

Trines represent an easy flowing energy between celestial bodies. It is easy to integrate and an agreeable influence. The tendency when experiencing a trine influence is to take your good fortune for granted and expect it to continue. So, the effects of the trine may have only short-term beneficial influence rather than long term results.


A Sextile is a 60° aspect between celestial bodies on the zodiac wheel.

Sextiles represent opportunities which must be acted upon for you to get the benefits available for success.


A square is a 90° aspect between celestial bodies on the zodiac wheel.

A square represents conflicting forces in which tension builds that must be released. Some change, or adjustment is needed when a square is active.

Inconjunct (aka Qunincunx)

An inconjunct is a 150° aspect between celestial bodies on the zodiac wheel.

An inconjunct represents very different energies from those you identify as being acceptable from the worldview you’ve adopted. As such, they are extremely challenging to integrate. An inconjunct feels like an irritant, or nuisance, that you just want to go away. You may find that the best strategy when dealing with inconjunct energy is to pay it as little attention as you can. Just be in an acceptance mode and know that it will soon pass.

Essential Oil Allies

Essential Oils can be very potent allies for helping you stay positive and elevating your frequency to attract the best possible outcomes. You can’t control what’s happening in your life, but you can choose to respond in a way that will be productive and help you make the most of your current and future circumstances.

Important celestial events are operating at the 2023 New Year for you to take note of. Pay especial attention to the dates for each of these events as they will have a marked influence for how things will unfold in 2023.

What house is Aquarius located in your chart? This is where you’ll be experiencing revelations regarding a certain area of your life. For instance, if the New Moon is happening in your 7th house you may be making a new commitment, agreement, or contract that will have a tremendous influence on your long- term future. You may also need to let go of an old way of doing something, an old friend, associate, commitment that you’ve outgrown that’s passed its shelf life.

Also check for planets and points in your 11th House (ruled by Aquarius). Remember Aquarius rules the 11th house, so this area of your life may also be affected.

Finally check where your Uranus is located in your astrology chart. This house may also be affected by this Aquarius New Moon's influence.

October 30, 2022

Mars Stations Retrograde on October 30 at 25° Gemini and Stations Direct on January 12 at 8° Gemini. There can be tremendous confusion with airing of different points of view. Mars Retrograde is a review of actions taken based upon much misinformation, gossip and hearsay. This period looks ungrounded and volatile. All the air from Gemini fans the flames of the Mars fire.

There can be quite a ruckus, but due to its Retrograde motion not much may come in long term consequences for actions taken in the 3D world. However, at the subconscious and intuitive levels in the 5D world, you have an opportunity to shift your mindset and begin to listen more deeply to your own intuitive voice. Now is an extraordinary time to reprogram your mind with the intuitive and spiritual impulses of Neptune in Pisces. This is also a significant period of time for clearing the air of tensions.

2023 Essential Oil Moon Calendar

Capricorn New Moon
December 23, 2022

Capricorn New Moon Astrology

  • 1° 33’ Capricorn New Moon
    Friday, December 23, 2022
  • Moon Square Jupiter
  • Moon Trine Uranus Rx
  • Moon Conjunct Venus
  • Moon Conjunct Mercury Rx
  • Venus Trine Uranus Rx
  • Mercury Sextile Neptune
  • Venus Conjunct Mercury Rx
  • Chiron Stationary Direct
  • Mercury Stations Retrograde

The opportunity for sudden realization of a dream, or idealized future may come. There’s a strong inclination to serve society at large. Social values are strong while individual concerns carry less weight. This can result in your feeling unseen, or left behind in some way. This is a great moon for deepening in your own sense of self-worth and trusting your own inner values.

Key Essential Oil to Use: Vetiver
Earthy oils that ground, calm and stabilize.

Cancer Full Moon
January 6, 2023

Cancer New Moon Astrology

  • 16° 21’ Cancer Full Moon
    Friday, January 6, 3:07pm PT 

  • Moon Sextile Uranus (Rx)
  • Moon Opposes Mercury (Rx)
  • Sun Trine Uranus (Rx)
  • Sun Conjunct Mercury (Rx)
  • Mars Stationary Direct

There’s opportunity for illumination and discovering secrets that have been locked away. All Full Moons bring emotional issues to the surface. Now you are focused on feeling secure and safe in your home and with family.

Your emotions may fluctuate more than usual. Stay out of your head and in your heart. This Moon is excellent for forgiving in order to move on. Otherwise, you could be subject to feeling the blues now. You’ll enjoy staying close to home and surrounding yourself with your favorite creature comforts. Now can be an emotionally satisfying time for you when you experience a real sense of belonging.

Key Essential Oil to Use: Rose Otto

Oils that nourish the emotions and support congenial relations in the home and with family and close loved ones.

Aquarius New Moon
January 21, 2023

Aquarius New Moon Astrology

  • 1° 33’ Aquarius New Moon (Lunar Imbolc)
    Saturday, January 21, 12:53pm PT

  • Moon Sextile Jupiter
  • Venus Conjunct Saturn
  • Mercury Stationary Direct (exact January 18th)
  • Uranus Stationary Direct (exact January 22nd)

ALL Planets will be Direct for the next 3 months, until April 21st when Mercury Stations Retrograde. This signals your window of opportunity for forward movement to accomplish your goals and agenda items. Things will move forward rapidly now. New vistas open up for you and the global community worldwide.

Your emotions can get a reset at the Aquarius New Moon. There’s a real need for emotional freedom. Being in groups of people can be rewarding for you. It’s an easier time than usual to free yourself from heavy emotions such as anger, fear and jealousy. Building forward momentum and breaking through old habits that previously held you back is possible now.

Key Essential Oil to Use: Peppermint
Use essential oils that motivate and inspire you to express your originality.

Leo Full Moon
February 5, 2023

Leo Full Moon Astrology

  • 16° 41’ Leo Full Moon
    Sunday, February 5, 10:28am PT

  • Moon Square Uranus
  • Venus Square Mars
  • Sun Square Uranus
  • Mercury Sextile Neptune

We are still in a very transformative (revolutionary) period of time. Much is being brought to the surface for release. You have an opportunity to transcend old karmic patterns and habits that have created conflict for you both personally and collectively at a global level. A revolution on the physical plane is taking place. Evolving consciousness for all of humanity is at the heart of this upheaval.

Can we set aside our differences and work together for the common good?

The Leo Full Moon bodes well for a passionate rendezvous with something, or someone you love. Creative pursuits are in the spotlight. Though there’s a part of you that may seek, or even crave the limelight, there’s also a part that can feel insecure when getting attention. The Leo Full Moon may bring an opportunity to look at your fear of criticism. Perhaps you need to realize that your fear comes from your own inner critic’s voice. You can create peace within when you turn your inner judge into a worthy ally by accepting and appreciating its feedback for your own improvement. Now is a great time to start a new self- nurturance program. Give yourself the attention you seek outside. 

Key Essential Oil to Use: Sweet orange
Ebullient oils that open your heart and help you express your creativity.

Pisces New Moon
February 19, 2023

Pisces Astrology

  • 1° 21’ Pisces New Moon
    Sunday, February 19, 11:05pm PT

  • Moon Conjunct Saturn
  • Venus Sextile Pluto
  • Venus Ingresses into Aries
  • Mercury Sextile Chiron
  • Mercury Square Uranus
  • Mercury Trine Mars
  • Mercury Sextile Jupiter

The Pisces Moon brings tremendous sensitivity to how you experience your surroundings. You may be feeling rather passive and insecure now, as well as dreamy and ungrounded. Pisces stimulates your creativity and imagination which will benefit your artistic expression and spiritual inclinations.

Essential Oil to Use: Red Mandarin or Tangerine
Use oils that promote dreaminess and open your heart to new dreams.

Virgo Full Moon
March 7, 2023

Virgo Full Moon Astrology

  • 16° 40’ Virgo Full Moon
    Tuesday, March 7, 4:40am PT
  • Moon Trine Uranus
  • Moon Opposes Neptune
  • Moon Square Mars
  • Venus Conjunct Jupiter
  • Sun Sextile Uranus

Tremendous illumination comes with this Virgo Full Moon. With Venus’ conjunction to Jupiter and trine to Uranus, there’s ease available to experience something new and unexpected that is of value to you. You may have the inclination to organize any chaos that can occur now. The Virgo Moon always brings opportunity for developing more tolerance and acceptance of life’s imperfections. Acceptance and being okay with whatever happens in your life is a good practice for sustained peace of mind. Life’s purpose is not to fulfill your every expectation.

Essential Oil to Use: Rose Geranium
Use essential oils that promote balance and harmony.

 Aries New Moon
March 21, 2023

Aries New Moon Astrology

  • 0° 48’ Aries New Moon
    Tuesday, March 21, 10:23am PT
  • Moon Sextile Pluto
  • Moon Conjunct Mercury
  • Mercury Sextile Pluto
  • Spring Equinox (exact 2:24pm PT, March 20th)

This Aries New Moon brings rapid movement and acceleration. Now it may be difficult to slow down and proceed at a natural pace. There can be much that comes together that feels promising. Still you’ll want to exercise some caution and not rush things. Tremendous forces for opportunity are at work. Communications and connections of all kinds play important roles. A very promising new beginning is at hand.

Key Essential Oil to Use: Patchouli
Use oils that ground and calm your mind and emotions, yet support passionate expression.

Libra Full Moon
April 5, 2023

Libra Full Moon Astrology

  • 16° 07’ Libra Full Moon
    Wednesday, April 5, 3:18pm PT

  • Moon Square Mars
  • Moon Opposes Jupiter
  • Moon Opposes Chiron
  • Mercury Sextile Saturn
  • Sun Conjunct Chiron

The Libra Moon promises fulfillment for relationships and contracts of all kinds. You must, however, be willing to negotiate in good faith and make adjustment, if needed, to unlock the potentials of this full moon. Legal matters can go well now. Some compromise may be in order. The devils in the details when negotiating terms. Rewarding long term agreements are possible now. Balance, harmony and getting along well with others, are high priorities for you just now.

Key Essential Oil to Use: Rose Geranium
Use essential oils that promote balance and harmony.

Aries New Moon Hybrid Solar Eclipse
April 19. 2023

Aries New Moon Astrology

  • 29° 49’ Aries New Moon (vc)
    Wednesday, April 19, 9:12pm PT
    29° 52’ Aries Solar Eclipse April 19, 9:17pm PT
  • Moon Conjunct Jupiter
  • Moon Square Mars
  • Sun Square Pluto
  • Mercury Sextile Mars
  • Mercury Stationary Retrograde (exact April 21st)

The Aries New Moon energy for taking decisive action is amplified by its conjunction to the Jupiter. Your emotions could feel very volatile and unsettled now. There may be an opportunity for you to act and realize something for yourself. However, Mercury’s station retrograde suggests something being initiated that needs review before being fully implemented. Watch for pushing too hard for what you want at this time. Active negotiations may be on the table. Don’t allow yourself to become frustrated by the process. Things will move forward for you at just the right time.

Key Essential Oil to Use: Helichrysum
Use oils that soothe and calm the emotions and promote the healing of wounds.

Scorpio Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse
May 5, 2023

Scorpio Full Moon Astrology

  • 14° 57’ Scorpio Full Moon 
    Friday, May 5, 10:34am PT
    Total Lunar Eclipse, 10:22am PT
    Lunar Beltane

  • Moon Opposes Mercury Rx
  • Moon Opposes Uranus
  • Moon Trine Mars
  • Venus Square Neptune
  • Venus Sextile Jupiter
  • Pluto Stationary Retrograde

The Full Moon in Scorpio always creates a need to dive deep into your own feelings. When a Lunar Eclipse occurs simultaneously with the Scorpio Full Moon, then your desire for rich, deep and meaningful emotional exchanges becomes fraught with a compulsive note that is off the charts. Deep emotions are coming to the surface for expression and release. Nothing can stand in the way of the realizations set to be exposed. You, and society at large, may be forced to change many things now. Shallow or surface relationships, or fixes will not suffice to meet the needs of this moment. There is much that must be purified and purged.

Key Essential Oil to Use: Lavender
Use oils that lighten your mood and calm, balance and soothe your soul.

Taurus New Moon
May 19,203

Taurus New Moon Astrology

  • 28° 25’ Taurus New Moon
    Friday, May 19, 8:53am PT

  • Moon Sextile Neptune
  • Moon Sextile Mars (vc)
  • Sun Sextile Neptune
  • Jupiter Square Pluto Rx
  • Mercury Sextile Saturn
  • Mercury Stationary Direct

Your need for stability, which so often is not easy to satisfy, gets a welcomed jolt
to your benefit. Perhaps, you are finally just becoming more accepting of change as a part of life. When you respect yourself then you will forgo seeking your sense of well-being from external comforts and material things. A new-found level of self-acceptance can be experienced now which can lead you to greater peace of mind and tranquility in your day to day existence.

Key Essential Oil to Use: Helichrysum
Use oils that soothe and calm the emotions and promote healing of wounds.

Sagittarius Full Moon
June 3, 2023

Sagittarius Full Moon Astrology

  • 13° 17’ Sagittarius Full Moon
    Saturday, June 3, 8:42pm PT
  • Moon Square Saturn Rx
  • Moon Trine Mars
  • Venus Trine Neptune
  • Mercury Conjunct Uranus

The Sagittarius Full Moon brings optimism for the future. Higher education and having a goal, or mission to accomplish brings unity to disparate views. You may feel a strong urge to be more open minded and search for greater understanding. This Moon brings optimism. There’s a tendency to believe things will get better. Watch for overly expansive plans as they can get you into trouble. Much unresolved tension can get released with the Sagittarius Full Moon. All-in-all an extremely potent moon promising fulfillment.

Key Essential Oil to Use: Cedarwood
Use regulating oils that support and stabilize the mind and emotions as you open to new vistas and adventures.

Gemini New Moon
June 17, 2023

Gemini New Moon Astrology

  • 26° 42’ Gemini New Moon
    Saturday, June 17, 9:37pm PT
  • Moon Sextile Mars
  • Moon Square Neptune
  • Sun Square Neptune
  • Mercury Sextile Venus
  • Jupiter sextile Saturn Rx
  • Saturn Stationary Retrograde
  • Neptune Stationary Retrograde

The Gemini New Moon brings the need for change and spontaneity. There may be a lot of heightened buzz as people can feel especially motivated to share their feelings and views about current events. Local and community matters gain the most attention. Commonality and banding together in your local community gains importance. People’s feeling of safety lies in their open discussion about what matters most to them. This is a time to focus on shared values and what brings harmony rather than focusing on differences and what divides you from others.

Key Essential Oil to Use: Lemon
Use oils that help focus your mind and free you from any sticky, or overly sentimental emotional attachments. The astringent oils are all good!

Capricorn Full Moon
July 3, 2023

Capricorn Full Moon Astrology

  • 11° 18’ Capricorn Full Moon
    Monday, July 3, 4:38am PT

  • Moon Trine Jupiter
  • Moon Opposes Mercury
  • Moon Trine Uranus
  • Venus Square Uranus
  • Mercury Sextile Jupiter
  • Sun Sextile Jupiter
  • Venus Conjunct Mars

The Capricorn Moon always brings a strong need for being useful in society. This is the zodiac sign of accomplishments and achievements. Governments and corporations are represented by this sign. A full moon always brings completion and something worth celebrating. Go big, but take it slow, and be willing to do the work necessary to achieve your goals and objectives. Look to your own self for the self-approval you may seek from outside. Stepping into and shining your own light for others to see is encouraged. Take responsibility for yourself and what shows up for you and let go of any self-doubt. You must trust that you are worthy of the success that urges you from within to accomplish great things. Let go of past disappointments.

A time begins now (Venus Stationary Retrograde) when you start to review (and let go of) what you previously valued and reassess what matters most to you. A time of deep assessment of your values brings tremendous benefits in the future.

New societal structures replacing the old and worn out ones can be celebrated now. It’s also a time when structures that have passed their usefulness and need replacing can be recognized.

Key Essential Oil to Use: Frankincense
Use the ancient oils and oils commonly used for celebration rituals and rites of passage.

Cancer New Moon
July 17, 2023

Cancer New Moon Astrology

  • 24° 55’ Cancer New Moon
    Monday, July 17, 11:32am PT
  • Moon Sextile Uranus
  • Moon Trine Neptune Rx
  • Moon Opposes Pluto Rx (vc)
  • Mercury Square Jupiter
  • Mars Opposes Saturn Rx
  • Venus Inconjunct Neptune Rx
  • Venus Stationary Retrograde
  • Chiron Stationary Retrograde

Your feeling of safety is now very much related to your home, the family and related activities such as childcare, nourishment and nurturing of your roots. You may be more prone to fluctuation of your emotional moods. Feeling depressed can result from thinking too much about things related to childhood issues, or self-care matters. Rather, instead, take some kind of affirmative action. Your perceptions about the world are far more emotional and personal than usual. Now can be a time for some sort of new start in your home and family. Perhaps you’ll be buying new furnishing, or welcoming the arrival of a baby into your family. With Venus and Chiron Stationing Retrograde, you may be reassessing your values and what brings you pleasure, as well as old wounds can surface for healing.

Key Essential Oil to Use: Rose Otto
Oils that nourish the emotions and support congenial relations in the home, family and with close loved ones.

Aquarius Full Super Moon
August 1, 2023

Aquarius Full Super Moon Astrology

  • 9° 15’ Aquarius Full Moon (Lunar Lamas)
    Tuesday, August 1, 11:32am PT
  • Moon Square Jupiter
  • Mars Trine Jupiter
  • Mercury Opposes Saturn Rx

Your emotions can feel much more conflicted and complex than usual. The Moon’s usual need for feeling emotionally secure gets complicated when in Aquarius, as there’s a strong need for emotional freedom. This Aquarius Moon may bring gatherings with like-minded others that can help ameliorate and give a positive outlet for your emotions. Pursuing and expressing common future visions with others can help you deal with the negative emotions like fear, anger and jealousy that can surface now. With Mercury opposing Saturn disagreements are possible. Watch for allowing things to get blown out of proportion. Look for the opportunities available that can move you forward, not repeat old patterns.

Essential Oil to Use: Frankincense
Use oils that promote clarity and greater perspective.

Leo New Moon
August 15, 2023

Leo New Moon Astrology

  • 23° 16’ Leo New Moon
    Wednesday, August 16, 2:38am PT (vc)
  • Moon Square Uranus
  • Sun Square Uranus
  • Mars Trine Uranus
  • Mercury Inconjunct Chiron Rx
  • Mercury Stationary Retrograde
  • Uranus Stationary Retrograde

The Leo Moon brings opportunity for impressing others and getting praise and admiration from others with mixed results. Though there’s a part of you that may seek, or even crave the limelight, there’s also a part of you that feels insecure when getting attention. The Leo Moon may bring an opportunity to look at your fear of criticism. Perhaps you need to realize the fear comes from your own inner critic’s voice. You can create peace within when you turn your inner judge into a worthy ally by accepting and appreciating its feedback for your own improvement. Now is a great time to start a new self-nurturance program. Give yourself the attention you seek outside.

Key Essential Oil to Use: Patchouli
Essential oils that spark your passion and creative fires.

Pisces Full Super Moon
August 30, 2023

Pisces Full Moon Astrology

  • 7° 24’ Pisces Full Moon
    Wednesday, August 30, 6:35pm PT

  • Moon Conjunct Saturn Rx
  • Mercury Rx Inconjunct Chiron Rx
  • Jupiter Stationary Retrograde

Of all the Moons of the zodiac, the Pisces Full Moon gives you the greatest sensitivity and perceptiveness about your surroundings. The Pisces Moon can bring up feelings of insecurity which you can choose to face and deal with. Now you have a tremendous opportunity to express your feelings in creative and spiritual ways. The Pisces Full Moon brings you a goldmine of creative imaginings and dreams about your future to explore.

Key Essential Oil to Use: Bergamot
Regulating oils that support balanced outcomes. You want to remain balanced emotionally while at the same time not going overboard. Lunacy and over excitement/enthusiasm are possible with any Pisces Full Moon. Extremes are more likely now, so keep your feet on the ground while allowing for unimagined possibilities to be realized.

Virgo New Moon
September 14, 2023

 Virgo New Moon Astrology

  • 21° 58’ Virgo New Moon
    Thursday, September 14, 6:40pm PT

  • Moon Trine Jupiter Rx
  • Moon Trine Uranus Rx
  • Sun Trine Uranus Rx
  • Venus Square Jupiter Rx
  • Mercury Stationary Direct
  • Venus Stationary Direct
  • Jupiter Stationary Retrograde
  • Mercury Stationary Direct

The Virgo Moon brings a new beginning for all matters related to work, lifestyle and health. Your feeling of emotional safety comes from gaining more order and clarity in what matters most in your life. You may have the urge to organize anything that feels chaotic, or disorganized. Try being more tolerant and accept imperfections of life. It is better to trust life and let it run its own way, rather than expect that everything must happen according to your wishes.

Key Essential Oil to Use: Clary Sage
Regulating oils that promote balance and harmony.

Aries Full Moon
September 29, 2023

Aries Full Moon Astrology

  • 6° 00’ Aries Full Moon
    Friday, September 29, 2:57a m PT

  • Venus Square Uranus Rx
  • Venus Sextile Mars
  • Mercury Trine Uranus Rx
  • Mars Inconjunct Uranus Rx
  • Pluto Stationary Direct

There’s real opportunity to realize an emotional win for yourself though it may come at the price of sudden and intense feelings, at least initially. It’s a powerful time to advance your cause whatever it may be. Use all the tension being released to fuel the resolution of problems rapidly. However, do not rush, just keep the ball rolling and let events unfold naturally at their own pace.

Key Essential Oil to Use: Bergamot
Oils that calm your mind and emotions.

Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse
October 14, 2023

Libra New Moon Astrology

  • 21° 7’ Libra New Moon
    Saturday, October 14, 10:55am PT
    Annular Solar Eclipse, October 14, 10:59am PT

  • Moon Conjunct Mercury
  • Mercury Opposes Chiron Rx
  • Mars Trine Saturn Rx
  • Sun Inconjunct Uranus Rx
  • Pluto Stationary Direct

Celestial Challenges

You might have a strong need for balance and harmony now. You probably desire to keep things "nice" rather than venturing into fundamental questions of importance to you in order to not disturb others. You must learn how to share both good and bad feelings. Don’t be afraid to be true to yourself, despite what others may think. You’re discovering new ways of relating and reaching agreement with others. The choice is ultimately yours how you play the music of the celestial spheres at this time. What’s Taurus Full Moon - Partial Lunar Eclipse
October 28, 2023

What's it going to be?

Celestial Mix (the good news!)

  • The Moon Conjunct Mercury aids you in communicating openly about your emotional needs now, which is a good thing!
  • With Mercury Opposing Chiron (the wounded healer) you may be talking about old hurts.
  • Mars trine to Saturn caps the celestial energies with the action needed to give birth to lasting new structures and foundations. 
  • Pluto’s Station Direct adds a note of forward movement and finality to the mix of energies.

The holidays are just ahead and love is in the air!

Key Essential Oil to Use: Ylang Ylang
Oils that inspire passion and promote the sharing of emotions and meeting of minds.

Taurus Full Moon - Partial Lunar Eclipse
October 28, 2023

Taurus Full Moon Astrology

  • 5° 8’ Taurus Full Moon
    Saturday, October 28, 1:23pm PT
    Partial Lunar Eclipse 5° 3’ 1:15pm PT
  • Moon Sextile Saturn (Rx)
  • Moon Conjunct Jupiter (Rx) Opposes Mercury Conjunct Mars
  • Moon Opposes Mercury Conjunct Mars

The Taurus Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus brings issues of self-respect to the surface. Your emotional need for stability gets challenged by the pressures building for necessary change that needed to have happened yesterday. In Taurus your feeling of self-worth comes from material things and the seeking of material things. The Taurus Eclipse brings issues related to your genuine sense of self-worth not predicated on material values, but rather love for spiritual values like love of home, family, country and the world at large. You may be getting a crash course in self-acceptance for who you are, not what you have. A tremendous opportunity for the cleansing and release of false values.

Key Essential Oil to Use: Ylang Ylang III
As the Moon’s Opposition to Mercury conjunct Mars can have a very draining effect on your electromagnetic/emotional body you’ll want to use oils that keep you energized, calm and grounded, yet open to inspiration from the Moon’s influence.

Scorpio New Moon
November 13, 2023

Scorpio New Moon Astrology

  • 20° 43’ Scorpio New Moon
    Monday, November 13, 1:27am PT
  • Moon Opposes Uranus Rx
  • Moon Conjunct Mars Opposes Uranus Rx
  • Moon Trine Neptune (Rx)
  • Moon Sextile Pluto (vc)
  • Mercury Sextile Venus Inconjunct Jupiter Rx
  • Saturn Stationary Direct

The Scorpio New Moon always brings the opportunity to investigate your feelings more deeply. You may be searching for answers to old dilemmas with sudden breakthroughs possible. You’ll want to get to the bottom of things and nothing will deter you. You seek purification and healing of your emotions and emotional life.

Key Essential Oil to Use: Ylang Ylang
Use oils that balance the mind and free the emotions.

Gemini Full Moon
November 27, 2023

Gemini Full Moon Astrology

  • 4° 51’ Gemini Full Moon
    Tuesday, November 27, 1:16pm PT

  • Mercury Square Neptune Rx
  • Moon Opposes Mars
  • Mars Square Saturn
  • T-Square between Moon, Mars and Saturn
  • Neptune Stationary Direct (exact December 6th)

The Gemini Full Moon brings more forward momentum to the changes taking place now. Spontaneous celebrations and joining with your neighbors to enjoy the festive mood that the Christmas season brings are highlighted. There’s much to enjoy with this Gemini Full Moon. A sociable and celebratory mood permeates your feelings as you share good times with others. Even so, there are rumblings in the background as mounting tensions spell imminent change.

Key Essential Oil to Use: Helichrysum
Oils that calm your mind and emotions and promote healing of psychic and emotional wounds.

Sagittarius New Moon
December 12, 2023

Sagittarius New Moon Astrology

  • 20° 39’ Sagittarius New Moon
    Tuesday, December 12, 3:32pm PT

  • Moon Conjunct Mars
  • Moon Square Neptune
  • Mercury Sextile Venus
  • Sun Inconjunct Uranus Rx
  • Mercury Stationary Retrograde

The Sagittarius Moon can bring a great need to search for greater understanding. Your feeling of emotional safety can get a boost when you start a new program that promises to give your life more inherent meaning.

Optimism abounds with a Sagittarius Moon, but this one especially so as it is conjunct Mars the planet of energy and action. Today, also Mercury’s Station Retrograde Motion can bring the return of an opportunity for something you love, or find pleasure in. The eclipses have cleared your way and now you can plant seeds for welcomed new beginnings that omen prosperous outcomes. Make the most of this time.

Key Essential Oil to Use: Frankincense
Oils that support your connection to spirit and help you maintain balance of mind and mood during these turbulent times of revolutionary changes. Adaptogenic ‘super’ oils are especially good. Adaptogenic oils, also called Regulators, will have a balancing and regulating effect on your mind, mood and emotions. You can use them alone, or in a blend, as you prefer.

Cancer Full Moon
December 26, 2023

Cancer New Moon Astrology

  • 4° 57’ Cancer Full Moon
    Tuesday, December 26, 4:32pm PT 

  • Moon Trine Saturn
  • Moon Sextile Jupiter Rx
  • Mercury Square Neptune
  • Mercury Conjunct Mars
  • Venus Sextile Mars
  • Sun Trine Jupiter Rx
  • Chiron Stationary Direct (exact today)
  • Jupiter Stationary Direct (exact December 30th)

There’s opportunity for illumination and discovering secrets that have been locked away. All Full Moons bring emotional issues to the surface. Now you are focused on feeling secure and safe in your home and with family. Your emotions may fluctuate more than usual. Stay out of your head and in your heart. This Moon is excellent for forgiving in order to move on. Otherwise you could be subject to feeling the blues now. You’ll enjoy staying close to home and surrounding yourself with your favorite creature comforts. Now can be an emotionally satisfying time for you when you experience a real sense of belonging.

Key Essential Oils to Use: Lavender, Red Mandarin and Clary Sage
Oils that alleviate anxiety, nourish the emotions and support congenial relations in the home, family and with close loved ones.

Check out NASA’s super cool animated graphic showing when a full Moon phase aligns with perigee (the point at which the Moon is closest to Earth) and Apogee (the furthest point away). 

2023 Astrological Moon Calendar is now available for purchase! 

The 2023 Astrological Moon Calendar will give you a snapshot overview of the emotional ebb and flow for 2023.

You can use it to get an advance look at the upcoming opportunities available for you, as well as to check in as events unfold on the worldwide scene during the year.

Tips are included that can help you get additional insight about how things will unfold for you personally.

Click to find out more and purchase.

†These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All statements on this website are intended for informational purposes only.

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