What’s it all about?
The Libra Moon (ruled by Venus) is conjunct to the planet Venus. This conjunction augments the power of love to support you in getting your emotional needs met especially as relates to your personal love bonds with others. The Libra New Moon and the love goddess Venus are also Trine to Pluto, the planet of regeneration and transformation. In short, the energies constellated at the Libra New Moon bring the power to transform through the feminine energies constellating now.
The Libra Moon is also Conjunct to Mercury retrograde. We are in a tremendous period of review here at the end of 2022. Six planets are now Retrograde (in review mode), including Mercury (communication/connection), Jupiter (expansion knowledge), Saturn (societal structures/karma), Uranus (the awakener, revolution), Neptune (ideals/dreams) and Pluto (power & transformation). Mars is also in his shadow retrograde (degrees through which he will retrograde) starting on October 30th until after the 2023 New Year.
You now have a final chance to review and make course corrections.
Do you choose the power of love to transform and heal your personal life and society at large? Or, do you choose power for its own sake? The raw power to control and dominate others through the principle that might makes right.
Fall Eclipse Season
We are entering the fall eclipse season. The final Square between the planet Saturn (status quo established structures) and Uranus (revolutionary change and breakthrough) reaches its peak on October 22nd when Saturn stations Direct at 18° Aquarius. This Square has been exerting pressure on the established structures of government and society at large to bring about needed changes worldwide for the past 2+ years.
The intensity of this Square will slowly begin to wane. However, what has been set in motion will play out at Lunar Samhain on October 25th with the Scorpio Partial Solar Eclipse. Followed in two weeks time by the Taurus Lunar Eclipse on November 8th.
Though the energies will be felt intensely during this span of time, Mars’ (the planet of energy and action) Station Retrograde will slow the energies down for ‘taking action’ and there will be more of a review about what actions to take until after the New Year when Mars Stations Direct.
Libra Personality
Libra natives tend to be extroverted, friendly and sociable people. They thrive on balance and fairness. Aesthetics, beauty and art are especially important to them. They have oodles of charm and charisma and make great sales people. Libras are well suited to building large networks with friends and business associates, alike. They feel at ease when mingling with strangers and love to persuade others to their way of thinking and seeing. Libras are usually known to excel and are leaders in their chosen field of influence.
Libra natives do not like extremes, or conflict. One of their weakest character traits is their tendency to be fickle and indecisive, as well as co-dependent. Because Libra’s worst fear is being alone, they may choose to stay in unhealthy, abusive relationships for far too long. Libra individual can too often forgive and forget when it’s unwarranted.
Libras like to keep peace at all costs. In order to avoid hurt feelings, or altercations with others they can exhibit passive aggressive tendencies to get what they want. They can also justify outright lying to others sometimes to avoid disagreements.
What’s Up in Your Chart?
There are lots of places where you can get a free download of your astrology chart these days. One I highly recommend is Astro Seek (no material association). At the touch of a key stroke you access a wide assortment of data about your chart, including transits and progressions.
Everyone has the Libra New Moon influence in one, or more areas of their chart. Here are a few areas of your chart where you can experience the Libra New Moon influence:
- Venus, the lover of the zodiac, rules the sign of Libra (Venus rules both the 7th (Libra house) and the 2nd (Taurus house). Since the Libra Moon is Conjunct Venus, your personal love energies are set for a recharge, renewal and resurgence.
- The Venusian energy is multiplied 1,000 fold by the Libra New Moon for several reasons.
- #1 the Libra New Moon’s Opposition to Jupiter expands Venus love force and puts even more of a spotlight on what you personally love and hold of most value in life.
- # 2 Venus Trine to Pluto in Capricorn, the structure of your personal love energies are intensified. You have a strong insight now into just what you want in your relationships and a feeling of mutual exchange with others is at the top of your priorities.
- #3 Couple all of this Venusian energy with Mercury’s current Retrograde in Libra and his slipping back into the sign of Virgo (the perfectionist of the zodiac). Your conscious everyday thinking mind is reviewing the details of what is working for you in your personal relationships and what needs an up grade, or needs to be jettisoned altogether.
- This all spells that you are in the process of deepening your own self value at this time. You want mutual relationships that provide healthy mirroring and support. Your tolerance level will be low for anything less than getting your own emotional needs for love (represented by the Libra moon) met at this time.
- What personal planets, or points are located in your 7th and 2nd houses? Do you have any easy flowing, or hard aspects to these houses from one or more of your personal planets, or points? The easy flowing aspects offer support and protection to your feeling of esteem and recognition in the world. While harsh aspects will augment the challenges presented at this time.
- What house is your natal Venus located in your personal astrology chart? This is probably the greatest significator for how the Virgo new moon will affect you. If you have harmonious contacts from your personal planets to your natal Venus then you will feel more supported at this time. You may want to lean into the energy symbolized by these harmonious aspects to your natal Venus for support.
- You can also take note of whether your natal Venus is being nicely aspected by current transiting planets.
- If there are stressful contacts to your natal Venus, you’ll want to take note of this. Challenging aspects give you an opportunity for growth and change. Remember to always let yourself be guided to the best course of action.
- Libra is a cardinal sign, so you may need to be the one to take the lead in ushering in the changes you need at this time. You’ll want to take control of your love life and direct matters in a way that honors and respects you and your feminine impulse to exchange love mutually with others.
- The moon moves quickly through each sign and house, so whatever happens though it may leave a lasting impact upon your psyche the emotions will be transient. You may feel overly intense and emotional at Libra New Moon. There can be a real urgency, or even desperation for things to change regarding your personal love exchanges. Best to let your emotions settle before acting. Wait to take action until you feel calm and grounded, not in a triggered emotionally reactive state.
- You may want to wait until after Mercury stations Direct on October 2nd before implementing the changes prompted at the Libra New Moon. Or, even wait until Mercury heads back into Libra on October 10th.
- Of course, because we are in the fall eclipse the timing of events that unfold now may not be entirely in your hands. What is scheduled to change will change at the right time.
- This is a tremendous time for taking charge of your love life. You want love that is mutual, not one sided.
Check out Meaning of the 12 Houses of the Zodiac to find out more how the Aquarius New Moon may be influencing you personally.
Best gemstones and crystals for Libra
Blue Sapphire - acts as protective shield from life’s dangers. A communications stone, sapphire is good for self expression and connecting with others. Enhances intuition and mental clarity.
Lepidolite - often referred to as the "peace stone" or "grandmother stone,” lepidolite contains nurturing and calming properties. It can help you overcome emotional and mental co-dependence, as well as addiction.
Rose Quartz - promote self-love and emotional health. May be helpful for releasing emotional blockages. Frequently used for healing emotional trauma and to balance the heart energies.
Libra New Moon Astrology
2° 48’ Libra New Moon
Sunday, September 25, 2:54pm PT
Moon Conjunct Venus
Moon Conjunct Mercury (Rx)
Moon Opposes Jupiter (Rx)
Venus Trine Pluto (Rx)
Venus Opposes Neptune (Rx)
Mercury Rx Opposes Neptune
Sun Opposes Jupiter (Rx)
Mars Trine Saturn (Stationary Rx)
You might have a strong need for balance and harmony now. You probably desire to keep things "nice" rather than venturing into fundamental questions of importance to you in order to not disturb others. You must learn how to share both good and bad feelings. Don’t be afraid to be true to yourself, despite what other’s may think. Relationships may be especially challenged now, disagreements may occur. You are discovering new ways of relating and reaching agreement with others. You want to ensure that your exchanges of love are mutual and support your own emotional needs being met.
Essential Oil to Use: Ylang Ylang
Oils that inspire passion and promote the sharing of emotions and meeting of minds.
- Moon (Libra) Conjunct Venus (Virgo) - emotional sensitivity is heightened. Represents a caring, compassionate, sympathetic and loving nature. You’ll want perfection in how love is expressed.
- Moon (Libra) Conjunct Mercury (Rx) Virgo - the quality of your love exchange with others is extremely important to you. You’ll be reviewing your love bonds and if they support and honor you.
- Moon (Libra) Opposes Jupiter (Rx) Aries - can fuel optimism and expansion. You may feel inspired to open up in ways that are new to you. You may be willing to invest more of yourself to get your emotional needs met.
- Venus (Virgo) Trine Pluto (Stationary Rx) Capricorn - great intensity and passion can be expressed now. There’s a depth of sincerity for reviewing the structures of your relationships. Personal adjustments may be called for. A real opportunity for growth can easily open up for you.
- Venus (Virgo) Opposes Neptune (Rx) Pisces - you are seeking the perfect in love and can get disappointed if you hold to unrealistic expectations about what’s possible. You need to maintain a balanced perspective. Glamorous ideals can undermine the good that can be achieved now. Keep it real!
- Mercury (Virgo) Rx Opposes Neptune (Rx) Pisces - great time to review and examine what's possible realistically. Keep your heart open to possibilities while remaining true to yourself. Relationship issues can come due to confusion and miscommunication with a loved one. Trust your intuition and maintain your commitment to peace and harmony.
- Sun (Libra) Opposes Jupiter (Rx) Aries - this can signal a lucky break. You’re willing to take the action necessary and lead the way. Opportunities for good fortune and things falling into place for you. Could fuel your self confidence and courage.
- Mars (Gemini) Trine Saturn (Stationary Rx) Aquarius - taking action in the media, communication and communicating, a review is taking place that brings something new into form.
Libra New Moon EO Recipe
This custom formulation has a sweet, fresh, rosy and floral scent with exotic and sensual notes. Its aroma is warm and tantalizing to the senses. It will help you open up to the relationship possibilities awaiting you at the Libra new moon.
To a 5ml (100 drops) colored glass euro-dropper bottle add:
- Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata) - 40 drops
- Rose Otto (Rosa x damascena)* - 40 drops
- Clary Sage (Savia sclarea) - 20 drops
*May substitute Rose Geranium (Pelargonium roseum).
Cap bottle tightly and shake vigorously to blend oils thoroughly. Allow to synergize for 12 hours or longer before using.
Libra New Moon Meditation
You can perform your meditation anytime starting from the Libra New Moon until the First Quarter Waxing Moon in Capricorn on October 2nd at 5:14pm PT.
What you will need:
- A white candle
- Essential oil or blend - use one of the recommended oils, or blend of oils
Make sure you are in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed.
Light your white candle and inhale the scent of your essential oil. You can also scent your space prior to your meditation using an aroma diffuser.
Gaze into the candle flame as you begin to breathe in fully and deeply and exhale any tension. The candle flame reflects your own Divine heart center.
Continue inhaling the scent of your oil and releasing any tension for 1-5 minutes.
Archangel to Assist You
At this time, if you choose, you can invite Archangel Raguel to assist you with your meditation. Angels are ‘light’ beings, simply meaning they are aligned with the creative power of the universe to create peace and harmony in our world.
Raguel’s name means, “Friend of God.”
The Angel of Justice, Raguel oversees all the Angels of heaven to ensure everything is running smoothly and according to Divine will. Whenever there’s a need for creating harmony and resolving conflict call upon Raguel.
Petition your heart and mind with the following:
Choose one, or more of the affirmations that feels right for you to focus upon at this time. Take time between each appeal to drink in and absorb the response by your heart and mind to fulfill your request. Allow yourself the time needed to fully engage in and experience the results of this meditation.
You can also make up your own personalized petitions that feel most suitable for you at this time.
- Thank you for helping me be a source of peace and harmony.
- Thank you for helping me act humanely and justly in all my affairs.
- Thank you for helping me be a friend to all.
- Thank you for helping me be more kind and tolerant of others.
- Thank you for helping me create peace where there is unrest.
Allow the alignment of your heart and mind to bring harmony to your life. Allow the renewal of your heart, mind and purpose in this moment. Let go of any resistance to being fully present in this moment. Just allow yourself to remain peaceful and calm.
Take as long as needed to complete this meditation. Repeat as needed whenever you feel the need for creating more peaceful and harmonious relationships.
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