Virgo Full Moon
March 7, 2023
What’s It All About?
The Virgo Full Moon is the first stage for manifesting the new hopes and visions birthed at the Aquarian Lunar New Year.
The first six months after the Lunar New Year are the most crucial for enacting the steps necessary to birth the promise of the Lunar New Year. Between the Aquarian Lunar New Year and the Virgo Full Moon you have an opportunity to see what needs to be dealt with (any obstacles) to realizing the potentials of the Aquarian New Moon. As we draw closer to the exact Virgo Full Moon, and on the day, as well as shortly after (until the waning quarter moon) you’ll get to see some of the real, tangible results possible from such promise.
Myth of Chiron
Virgo is the original healer of the zodiac. Many modern-day astrologers ascribe its healing influence to Chiron, the wounded healer.
Luckily for Chiron when he was abandoned at birth by his parents, who thought him a monster, he was befriended by the god Apollo. The god Apollo was a son of Zeus and was said to be the god of practically everything – including music, poetry, art, prophecy, truth, archery, plague and healing, sun and light.
It was the god Apollo, who taught Chiron the healing arts, music, and prophecy, while it was Apollo’s twin sister, Artemis, who taught him archery and hunting. It is said that Chiron excelled in every field. Chiron is attributed with inventing the fields of pharmacy, medicine, and surgery.
However, despite all his tremendous knowledge and healing ability, Chiron was unable to heal his own unbearably painful wounds.
As Chiron was an immortal son of Cronus he was unable to die. Thus, in the end, in order to end his misery, he struck a deal with Zeus. He exchanged his immortality for the freedom of Prometheus, who had been eternally bound to a rock for stealing fire from the gods and giving it to humans. Prometheus’ punishment was that every day an eagle would peck out Prometheus’ liver to only have it grow back during the night. This whole agonizing affair would repeat daily for eternity.
Chiron offered himself and his immortality for freeing Prometheus. After his death, Zeus freed Prometheus, and assigned a place for Chiron in the heavens as the constellation of Sagittarius or Centaurus.
Chrion’s Archetypal Story is Really a Dual Story about:
1) The transformation of mankind’s lower base instincts.
2) The emotional psychic wounds and defects one inherits, or experiences in life.
Chiron is the story of each human being’s inherent inner capacity to transform their own personal story fraught with pain and suffering into the story of the hero and savior of humankind.
The capacity to rise above feelings of retaliation that may surface when wounded by another and instead learn through pain and suffering how to better not only yourself, but those around you. The power to transform is inherent within every human being.
Virgo Personality
Virgo natives are known for being extremely independent of thought and driven to perfection. This can make them very picky about who they associate with and they can be prone to breaking friendships if values are not lived up to in a friend’s actions. Virgo’s would rather be alone than compromise their principles.
The most self-effacing and humble sign of the zodiac, Virgos are hard-working and practical in their pursuits. They enjoy a simple lifestyle and place high importance on maintaining good health. Pursuing a life of service to others is of paramount importance to them.
The downside of Virgo is they can become hyper critical, obsessive and pay excessive attention to petty details because of their drive for perfectionism.
What’s Up in Your Chart?
Tips for How the Virgo Full Moon Can Affect You Personally.
Everyone has the discerning and healing influence of Virgo in one, or more areas of their chart. Here are a few areas of your chart to look for:
- Look to your 6th house (the house Virgo rules) - what personal planets are located here?
- What house are Mercury and Chiron located in your personal astrology chart? (Mercury is the old ruler, and Chiron, the new ruler, of Virgo).
- As Mercury is currently transiting Pisces, all themes related to Pisces, and the planet Neptune are especially highlighted. Watch for the influence of lies and deception as well as, forces for peace and reconciliation to be active now.
- What house is Mercury currently transiting in your own chart?
- The moon moves quickly through each sign and house, so whatever happens though it may leave a lasting impact upon your psyche the emotions will be transient. Best to let your emotions settle before taking action that may have long standing results.
Eclipse Dates 2023
We are in the orb of the first eclipse cycle. The effects of the upcoming eclipse season can be felt approximately 6-weeks before the first eclipse.
The amplification of cosmic forces to bring about a global shift in consciousness continues to build.
- April 20 (1:17am PT): Hybrid Solar Eclipse in Aries at 29° 52’
- May 5 (2:24pm PT): Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio at 14° 52’
- October 14 (3pm PT): Annular Solar Eclipse in Libra at 21° 10’
- October 28 (4:13am PT): Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus at 5° 3’
Virgo Full Moon Astrology
16° 40’ Virgo Full Moon
Tuesday, March 7, 4:40am PT
Moon Trine Uranus
Moon Opposes Neptune
Moon Square Mars
Venus Conjunct Jupiter
Sun Sextile Uranus
Tremendous illumination comes with this Virgo Full Moon. With Venus’ conjunction to Jupiter and trine to Uranus, there’s ease available to experience something new and unexpected that is of value to you. You may have the inclination to organize any chaos that can occur now. The Virgo Moon always brings opportunity for developing more tolerance and acceptance of life’s imperfections. Acceptance and being okay with whatever is happening in your life is a good practice for sustained peace of mind. Life’s purpose is not to fulfill your every expectation.
Healing Gemstones & Crystals for Virgo
Blue Sapphire - acts as protective shield from life’s dangers. A communications stone, sapphire is good for self-expression and connecting with others. Enhances intuition and mental clarity.
Essential Oil to Use: Rose Geranium
Use essential oils that promote balance and harmony.
Virgo Full Moon Meditation
The Virgo Full Moon meditation will help you make the most of the new hopes and visions available now (see below).
Perform your Meditation anytime starting from the time of the Full Moon up until the First Quarter Waning Moon in Capricorn on March 14th at 7:08pm PT.
What you will need:
- A white candle
- Essential oil or blend - use one of the recommended oils, or blend of oils
Make sure you are in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed.
Light your white candle and inhale the scent of your essential oil. You can also scent your space prior to your meditation using an aroma diffuser.
Gaze into the candle flame as you begin to breathe in fully and deeply and exhale any tension. The candle flame reflects your own Divine heart center.
Continue inhaling the scent of your oil and releasing any tension for 1-5 minutes.
Archangel to Assist You
At this time, if you choose, you can invite Archangel Raphael to assist you with your meditation. Angels are ‘light’ beings, simply meaning they are aligned with the creative power of the universe to create peace and harmony in our world.
Raphael’s name means, “God Heals, or God has healed.”
Emerald green is the color associated with Raphael.
Petition your heart and mind with the following affirmations:
Take time to drink in and absorb the response by your heart and mind. Allow yourself the time needed to fully engage in and experience the results of this meditation.
You can also make up your own personalized petitions that feel most suitable for you at this time.
- Thank you for helping me to feel the healing and renewal that is your very essence.
Now, be still and silent as you absorb Raphael’s angelic healing light. Allow Raphael to do the work necessary to bring balance and healing to your life.
Let any worry or concern about your health, the health of a friend, or family member, or the world at large to quietly melt away. Empty yourself completely of any feeling of discomfort you may have been feeling. Just remain peaceful and calm as you absorb Raphael’s healing light.
Take as long as needed to complete this meditation. Repeat as needed whenever you feel anxious about your or another’s health, or the health of our planet, or when you need to boost your immune system. If you like, you can request Raphael to be perpetually present with you.
2023 Astrological Moon Calendar is now available for purchase!
You can use it to get an advance look at the upcoming opportunities available for you, as well as to check in as events unfold on the worldwide scene during the year.
Even more tips are included that can help you get additional insight about how things will unfold for you personally.
Click to find out more and purchase.
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