Mercury retrograde usually happens 3-4 times a year.
Mercury represents your conscious, everyday, thinking mind. Just as Mercury ‘appears’ to start going backward in the sky, your conscious, everyday thinking mind, can also take an about face and shift backward, as well. When a planet Stations Retrograde the planet is said to be asleep. You enter the dreamtime when your intuition becomes heightened.
Any of your everyday thought patterns that may undermine your making supportive connections and having effective communications in the world are up for review. Mercury Retrograde activates changes and upgrades to your thinking and how you connect the dots. Do you see connections and similarities between things? Or, only how things are different? It’s okay to see what’s revealed during Mercury’s retrograde, so that your mind can be upgraded to new levels and ways of thinking about things. More peace and harmony for yourself and others can result.
Though some changes may be necessary for implementation during Mercury’s Retrograde phase, most the changes will primarily get underway after Mercury has Stationed Direct again. After Mercury has made his complete review. Generally, you want to have a ‘wait see’ approach during Mercury’s Retrograde as all of the information needed for making decisions may not yet be known.
When Mercury is Retrograde much information can come to awareness. Clarity for implementing changes may only come after Mercury Stations Direct.
Mercury Retrograde Effect
Of course, it is an optical illusion that Mercury starts going backward in the sky. Just as when looking out a car window the traffic you are passing looks like it’s going backward as you pass it. But really your car is going faster and passing the other cars, not that they are going backward.
This close proximity of Mercury to the Sun makes for strongly felt electrical currents that affect your thoughts and bring about electro-magnetic field occurrences. Thus, disruptions in your usual activities may result. Mercury Retrograde’s electro-magnetic influences are helping clear away any interference or weakness in your thinking and electro-magnetic fields. Mercury Retrograde can also reveal any weaknesses or faults in electrical or electronic devices or equipment that connects you to the world and supports communication, like cars, trains and computers.
We are electro-chemical beings and nothing can happen in life without a relationship or some sort of connection or communication. Mercury rules the electrical communications sphere of material life. When he goes asleep (retrograde) your intuition, which is the voice you were born with for communicating within yourself and with others telepathically, can become louder. Your intuition has a spiritual source, but Mercury has a physical or phenomenal source which is supplied by the electro-magnetic currents of the earth. This is why when Mercury goes asleep you can (potentially) notice your intuition more loudly.
With your rational mind offline the possibilities are endless for making those right connections. It’s a serendipitous time when seeming coincidences can line up for you. Out of the blue extraordinary happenings that you could never have planned for in a million years suddenly can happen.
Secret to Mercury Retrograde
The secret, if there is one, is to stay in your heart and trust life to take you where you need to be at any given moment. To the rational programmed and conditioned mind (both conscious and subconscious) this can feel very out of control and irresponsible. If you’re overly invested in the illusion of being in control of life’s happenings then you can feel very out of sorts during Mercury Retrograde.
Any planet retrograde can dredge up suppressed or buried fears, but Mercury Retrograde (representing your mind) can be especially brutal, if resisted. Negative, recurring mind chatter can result if Mercury’s review is thwarted in some way. Anger, fear and frustration are three of the ways the Mind uses to try to get in control and make sense of things.
The Mercury Retrograde effect can feel similar to the weirdness that the planet Uranus can dish out. When Mercury Conjuncts a personal planet or point, or crosses a house cusp during its Retrograde, the effects are more noticeable. Life can feel more erratic and unpredictable than usual during Mercury’s Retrograde.
Mercury the Connector
Mercury is the Connector of the Zodiac. Your connections and how you communicate with others is up for review. A friend, family member or associate can return to your life. Or, an old issue can return. When Mercury is Retrograde I see people I haven’t seen in ages. I also seem to frequently find money when Mercury is Retrograde, or extra cash comes from out of nowhere for me.
If you’ve been needing to repair or replace something, related with means of communicating and connecting, like computers and transportation, now you may be faced with an opportunity to do so.
Again, in 2020 we have an opportunity to clear our emotional body. Mercury Retrograde (if you let him) can help you become more fluid and flow with life events rather than resist them. Letting go and trusting that life is upgrading your psycho-emotional systems and bringing you to a better, more rewarding place. The tendency, however, can be to grip too tightly, resist what is happening and fear the worst. The best course during any episode of angst is to be willing to let go of your fear and be still. Allow yourself to just be.
Mercury in Water Signs
In 2020 Mercury Retrograde once again happens primarily in water signs. The air over water combination of elements can make for unsettled emotions and confusion.
The air with water can also have an effect like the release of negative ions which can refresh and promote health. Just like Waterfalls that release tremendous amounts of negative ions that freshen and are symbols of healing abundance.
Water element’s power lies in its ability to adapt. It can go around objects that are in its way and take the shape of any container. Going with the flow of events and adapting to changing currents of emotions can come more easily to the water element. However, when frozen, rigid and unmoving water blocks the flow. If you resist and freeze (are unwilling to adapt) to what’s happening then broken water pipes in your house can result.
Mercury Retrograde can unblock the flow of your emotional body, if stagnant. When your emotions flow you are more open to the abundance the universe has to offer you.
#1 Best Essential Oil to Use in 2020
Generally, the one essential oil I recommend that can be most helpful to you during each of the Mercury Retrogrades happening during 2020 is Lemongrass oil. It releases and renews your life energies, as well as helps release negative, psycho-emotional blockages. You can use it as a wealth attraction oil, alone or in a blend.
Buy Lemongrass Essential Oil Now and Be Prepared!
Mercury Retrograde 2020 Dates
- On February 16 Mercury at 12° 53’ Pisces Stations Retrograde, exact at 4:54pm PT. Mercury enters his Shadow, the degree to which he will Retrograde back to, on February 2nd at 28° 12’ Aquarius. Mercury Stations Direct at this degree on March 9, exact at 8:49pm PT.
- On June 17 Mercury at 14° 45’ Cancer Stations Retrograde, exact at 9:50pm PT. Mercury enters his Shadow, the degree to which he will Retrograde back to, on June 2nd at 5° 29’ Cancer. Mercury Stations Direct at this degree on July 12, at 1:26am PT.
- On October 13 Mercury at 11° 40’ Scorpio Stations Retrograde, exact at 6:05pm PT. Mercury enters his Shadow, the degree to which he will Retrograde back to, on September 15th at 25° 57’ Libra. Mercury will Station Direct at this degree on November 3rd at 9:50am PT.
Key Dates & Celestial Events
There are key dates and celestial events happening in your own personal astrology chart you’ll want to know about during each Mercury Retrograde in 2020.
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- 45 Minute Private 'Recorded' Consult $150. (reg $375) - Find out how all three Mercury Retrogrades in 2020 will affect you personally. Use Code MERCURY45 (limited to one use per customer).
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Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio November 2019
Watch a full complementary Mercury Retrograde video podcast for a sample of the information and insights you’ll get with just one Mercury Retrograde Report.
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WANT TO KNOW MORE About the Mercury Retrograde Effect?
Read article, What is Mercury Retrograde and How to Survive It - Essential Oils to Use.
Find out:
- Why Planets Affect You.
- What Exactly Is a Mercury Retrograde?
- Why Attitude and Mindset Matter.
- Gifts of a Mercury Retrograde Cycle.
- How Things Start is How They Go.
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