Capricorn New Moon Astrology

What’s It All About?

The Capricorn New Moon brings in the 2025 New Year. It’s time to set your New Year’s goals and intentions for the coming year. Hopefully, you took time at the recent Gemini Full Moon to clear away any stagnant energy in preparation for the 2025 New Year.

Especially, since 2008 the established structures of society on a global level have been undergoing profound change as humanity continues to gear up to shift to a galactic identity as human beings.

The Capricorn New Moon, ruled by Saturn, will help you create the firm foundations needed for long term success far into the future.

Capricorn New Moon

Pay attention to the tonal quality of your 2025 New Year for indications about how things will unfold for you this year. How things start is how they go (more often than not). A lot depends upon how transiting planets are making aspects to your own personal luminaries, planets and points. Good fortune is enhanced when the Capricorn New Moon speaks in harmony with aspects in your own personal astrology chart.

Opportunity for the sudden realization of a dream, or idealized future may come. With a Capricorn Moon there’s always a strong inclination to be useful and to serve society in some way. Social values are strong while concerns about the individual carry less weight.

Pluto was transiting through Capricorn since 2008 and many governing and corporate bodies have been going through profound shifts for restructuring and regeneration. Pluto has now completed her finishing touches in the sign of Capricorn upping the ante. Pluto re-entered Aquarius on November 19th where she will transit for twenty years until 2043.

With this Capricorn New Moon, you have the opportunity to set new guidelines and structures for living your life that will support you throughout a year that's most certainly set to be tumultuous as Mars is Retrograde at the New Year until February 23, 2025.

For now, it's time to relax and prepare yourself by setting the tone that can help you weather any storms.

There are powerfully transformative energies at work. Stay calm, go with the flow of events for best outcomes. Life is taking you to new uncharted destinations.

What’s Up in Your Chart?
Tips for how the Capricorn New Moon may affect you personally.

Everyone has the Capricorn New Moon influence in one, or more areas of their chart.  Here are a few areas of your chart where you can experience the Capricorn New Moon influence:

  • What house is Capricorn located in your natal chart? This is where you’ll be experiencing a fresh start. You may be letting go of something, or someone (at the darkest of the Moon, just before the New Moon), that is not working out for you.
  • Saturn, the taskmaster of the zodiac wheel, governs the sign of Capricorn and rules the 10th house of career and status in the world.
  • You’ll want to pay especial attention to where Saturn is located in your natal chart and what personal planets aspect it (when you were born and currently by transit)
  • Saturn is also the old ruler of Aquarius which rules the 11th house of friends and associations.
  • The moon moves quickly through each sign and house, so whatever happens, though it may leave a lasting impact upon your psyche, the emotions will be transient. If you feel extreme emotional tension at the Capricorn New Moon, its best to let your emotions settle before making any decisions that may have long term results.
  • This is the perfect time for setting your new moon intentions for the coming 2025 new year.

Check out Meaning of the 12 Houses of the Zodiac to find out more about how the Capricorn New Moon may influence you personally.

Capricorn New Moon Astrology

  • 9° 43’ Capricorn New Moon
    Monday, December 30, 2:26pm PT 

Moon (Capricorn) Conjunct Sun Sextile Saturn (Pisces)
Mercury (Sagittarius) Trine Chiron (Aries)
Chiron Stationary Direct (exact December 29, 2024)

The opportunity for sudden realization of a dream, or idealized future may come. There’s a strong inclination to serve society at large. Social values are strong while individual concerns carry less weight. This can result in your feeling unseen, or left behind in some way. This is a great moon for deepening in your own sense of self-worth and trusting your own inner values.

NOTE FROM KG: This is my last entry in the Astrology blog series published over the past three years. I will be taking a sabbatical to work on book projects this year. In the meantime, please enjoy broadcasts I'll be sending out for previously published aromatherapy blogs. Much love! -KG

KG's new eBook, Astrology Survival Guide & The 12 Zodiac Personalities - Practical Fundamentals for Understanding Your Self & Life Cycles, is now available for pre-order on AmazonNookApple Books, as well as other online digital media outlets.

Print book will be avaiable after eBook launch on November 19th (or possibly sooner).


†These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All statements on this website are intended for informational purposes only.

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