Rose Essential Oil Emotional Freedom

photo of a Damask roseThe Damask rose (Rosa damascena)

Find out how you can solve health challenges and enhance your health and beauty with essential oils.

Today I talk about THE Queen of Essential Oils, Rose oil. Rose pure essential oil also called Rose Otto or Rose Atter. The Latin botanical name for Rose is Rosa damascena. I will give you the key characteristics and uses for you to know about for Rose oil and promise to let you know where you can find out even more at the end of today's show.

Rose oil is a distinctly feminine oil. Inhaling even a single drop of Rose oil can have a transformative effect on the mind and emotions. It takes about thirty roses to produce one single drop of pure Rose oil. Rose oil frees your emotions and is useful for hormonal balance.


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Aloha & welcome to Aromatherapy Library TV. I'm your host KG Stiles Certified Clinical Aromatherapis in professional practice for more than 35 years and founder of PurePlant Essentials organic aromatherapy. On the show I'll talk about how you can solve health challenges and enhance your health and beauty with essential oils. The information I share is for educational purposes and does not to take the place of seeking qualified medical care for serious health concerns. Please subscribe to KG Stiles channel, so you never miss a show.

I'd love to hear from you! Please send me your general questions about aromatherapy send me for future shows. 

Today I'm going to talk about THE Queen of Essential Oils, Rose oil. Rose pure essential oil also called Rose Otto or Rose Atter. The Latin botanical name for Rose is Rosa damascena. I will give you the key characteristics and uses for you to know about for Rose oil and promise to let you know where you can find out even more at the end of today's show.

Rose oil is a distinctly feminine oil. Inhaling even a single drop of Rose oil can have a transformative effect on the mind and emotions. It takes about thirty roses to produce one single drop of pure Rose oil. Rose oil frees your emotions and is useful for hormonal balance.

Legend has it that it was the Greek poet Sappho who lived between 610-570 BC anointed Rose with the title, 'Queen of Flowers.'

During the era of Rome historians report that rose petals were strewn in massive amounts at arenas, during celebrations and at marriage feasts.

Today the most highly prized distillations of Rose essential oil are grown and distilled in the countries of Turkey and Bulgaria.

Rose essential oil is an aphrodisiac and its aroma is sweet, rosy, floral, exotic and sensual. Its scent is hypnotic and alluring to the senses.

As an aphrodisiac Rose has been used to aid the production of semen in men and to overcome sexual difficulties. Rose may help alleviate impotence and frigidity for both men and women.

Rose oil chemical properties are primarily in the Monoterpenol and Alcohol Families.

The Archetypal Energy of the Alcohol Family is The Lovers and its Elemental Power is to Incite Passion & Enthusiasm.

The Archetypal Energy of the Monoterpenol Family is The Female Athlete

and its Elemental Power is Strength, Courage, Endurance, Stamina & Stability.


Rose Otto is Steam Distilled from the flower petals of the rose plant.

The Rose plant species used to produce pure essential oil is a large bushy plant with small to medium sized pink flowers.

The Rose petals of the plant must be harvested just before dawn to ensure the oil content in the flower are at their highest.

Rose Oil is said to dissolve psychological and emotional barriers and free you from past pain and heartache.

Considered the fragrance of Aphrodite Rose is the #1 oil to choose for balancing and calming your mind and emotions whether you are male or female.

During the middle ages Rose oil was documented as being used to relieve depression.

Rose oil is helpful for calming intense negative emotions of inner confusion, jealousy, rage, bereavement and guilt.

Rose oil is excellent as a beauty oil for skin care and is harmonizing for ALL skin types. Its useful for treating inflamed skin disorders like eczema, rosacea, psoriasis and shingles. Rose oil is also excellent for smoothing and softening facial lines and wrinkles.

Rose Oils Chemical Properties Proven Actions & Effects include:

  • Antidepressant - alleviates or prevents depression, lifts mood, counters melancholia
  • Aphrodisiac – increases capacity for sexual arousal
  • Antispasmodic - calms nervous and muscular spasms, for colic, pain and indigestion
  • Antiseptic - prevents, halts infection
  • Nervine - strengthens and tones the nerves and nervous system
  • Skin tonic - strengthens and enlivens skin cells

Well that's it for this episode of Aromatherapy Library TV. Thanks so much for joining me. Please subscribe, so you never miss a show.

My next show will be out soon, so stay tuned. Please leave your comments and questions below this YouTube. If you have a question about a particular essential oil you'd love to know more about please let me know. I'm compiling questions for a future Q & A Aromatherapy Library TV!

Have a beautiful day, a warm Mahalo to you! Wishing you success and happiness always!

Until next time…relax, enjoy your life and stay connected.

Love -KG xo

Rose image: Rosa_damascena wiki-GNU Free creative-commons3-stueber-1

†These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All statements on this website are intended for informational purposes only.

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